Monday, December 15, 2014
15 December 2015 8th Grade Grading Rubric
General Appearance
2. Logo
3. Paragraph
2. Punctuation
3. Sentences
1. Goal
2. Image
3. Resource
1. Goal
2. Image
3. Resource
1. Goal
2. Image
3. Resource
1. Title
2. Email
15 December 2014 7th Grade Grading Rubric
Concept Accuracy
Viewer Level of Involvement
Overall Performance
15 December 2014 6th Grade Grading Rubric
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
1. Title
2. Name
3. Note
1. Title
2. Goal
3. Image
1. Title
2. Goal
3. Image
1. Title
2. Goal
3. Image
1. Title
Perfect 3
Sentence Answer
1.Introduce Self
2. Completed in front of class
Thursday, December 11, 2014
11 December 2014 6th Grade Technology Warmup
You have 10 minutes to complete your thank you note to Ashton Kutcher.
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
10 December 2014 All Technology Students Warmup
No warmup. We will be doing our warmup as a class and Mrs. Bulman will provide instructions.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
10 December 2014 Visual Arts Warmup
Would you consider this drawing, by Kerby Rosanes, a depiction of natural or man-made subject matter, or is this something different? Explain and justify your answer using a Perfect Three Sentence Answer.
"We've looked at the Moleskine drawings of Kerby Rosanes before, and his newest update of work is his strongest to date. As his site states, 'Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes works mainly with ordinary black pens to magically illustrate his “doodle” world. The 23-year old artist considers his art as a personal hobby which turned out to be his part-time freelance work after being recognized by various design blogs, international magazines and online communities."
"We've looked at the Moleskine drawings of Kerby Rosanes before, and his newest update of work is his strongest to date. As his site states, 'Philippines-based illustrator Kerby Rosanes works mainly with ordinary black pens to magically illustrate his “doodle” world. The 23-year old artist considers his art as a personal hobby which turned out to be his part-time freelance work after being recognized by various design blogs, international magazines and online communities."
09 December 2014 All Technology Students Warmup
No warmup. Find the directions for your grade and work on your assigned project the entire hour.
09 December 2014 8th Grade Technology
Continue working on your website. Use the example as a guide and remember that Thursday will be your last work day.
09 December 2014 7th Grade Technology Students
Continue working on Contagion. We will discuss the game tomorrow.
Monday, December 8, 2014
08 December 2014 Visual Art Annotation Stop
The Museum Interface
Read from Annotation Stop #6-Annotation Stop #7.
Complete Annotation Stop #7 independently.
When you complete your annotation stop, continue working on your assignment. You will not receive new directions today. Ensure that you are aware of upcoming deadlines.
Read from Annotation Stop #6-Annotation Stop #7.
Complete Annotation Stop #7 independently.
When you complete your annotation stop, continue working on your assignment. You will not receive new directions today. Ensure that you are aware of upcoming deadlines.
Thursday, December 4, 2014
04 Decmeber 2014 All Technology Students Warmup
Silent Sustained Reading: 20 minutes of silent reading. You may NOT leave the classroom during this time.
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
03 December 2014 All Technology Students Warmup
Open and begin taking the practice test a grade lower than you. Start on question #5. Do your best on each question. Get scratch paper if you need it.
Open and begin taking the practice test a grade lower than you. Start on question #5. Do your best on each question. Get scratch paper if you need it.
03 December 2014 Visual Art Warmup
Tom LaDuke, Polyrhythmic Looping, 2014, acrylic and glitter on canvas over panel, 53 by 95 by 2 inches. At Kohn Gallery, Los Angeles.
What do you think this artwork depicts? Use the artwork citation to see if there is any information that will help you learn more about the artwork.
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
02 December 2014 All Technology Students Warmup
Complete the 3rd formal assessment for this quarter. Ensure that you are completing the assessment for your grade level.
6th Grade Technology
7th Grade Technology
8th Grade Technology
Visual Art
6th Grade Technology
7th Grade Technology
8th Grade Technology
Visual Art
02 December 2014 Visual Art Warmup
Claude Viallat: Untitled (parasol), 1978, acrylic on parasol, approx. 6 feet in diameter; at the Musée Fabre. Photo courtesy Galerie Daniel Templon.
Do you think it is a good or bad thing for an artist to have a specific style?
Monday, December 1, 2014
Q2 6th Grade Technology PP Rubric
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
1. Title
2. Name
3. Note
1. Title
2. Goal
3. Image
1. Title
2. Goal
3. Image
1. Title
2. Goal
3. Image
1. Title
Perfect 3
Sentence Answer
1.Introduce Self
2. Completed in front of class
01 December 2014 Visual Art Annotation Stop
The Museum Interface
Read from Annotation Stop #5-Annotation Stop #6.
Complete Annotation Stop #6 independently.
Read from Annotation Stop #5-Annotation Stop #6.
Complete Annotation Stop #6 independently.
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